
Investor Prospectus


The essence of Pockit Global’s vision is to realize a digital experience like no other. A place where visitors, members, tenants, and enterprises can interact using content as a universal language. Balancing utility with recreation, pragmatism with the impossible while entertaining, educating, and informing the viewer.

Key considerations:

  • Ever growing demand for novel online video content.
  • People are turning to digital platforms for entertainment, education, and information.
  • Regional focus catering specifically to the needs and interests of local audiences.
  • Higher engagement levels by offering content that is relevant, relatable, and resonates with the audience.
  • Increased revenue potential, both in terms of advertising and subscription by sharing with content providers and local partners.

Regional considerations vary vastly across our footprint namely Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceana. Each discrete region has its own specific strategy, roll-out plan, and potential investors. Pockit Global administrates all global activities, Brand, and R&D ensuring a coordinated effort and quality standards are met.


The internet penetration in Africa is growing rapidly, with an estimated 525 million internet users in 2021. This presents a huge opportunity for a regional video platform to capture a significant share of this growing market.

  1. Diverse cultures and languages: Africa is a highly diverse region, with over 1,500 languages spoken across the continent. A regional video platform can leverage this diversity to offer content that is tailored to the unique needs and interests of local audiences.
  2. Mobile-first audience: Africa is a mobile-first market, with mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of online video consumption. A regional platform can optimize its user experience and content strategy for mobile devices, making it easier for users to access and consume content on-the-go.
  3. Localization: Localizing the platform and content is essential for success in the African market. This includes not just translating content into local languages, but also adapting it to suit local cultural norms and preferences, as it provides a more relatable and engaging experience.
  4. Monetization opportunities: Africa offers a range of monetization opportunities for a regional video platform, including advertising, subscriptions, and e-commerce. The size and growth of the digital advertising market in Africa is significant and still in its infancy, providing strong advertising revenue potential. Additionally, with the rise of e-commerce in the region, there are opportunities for a video platform to introduce coupons linked to advertising and drive additional revenue.
  5. Competitive landscape: Although there are a number of global and local players vying for market share, more traditional forms of media still dominate. A regional video platform that can differentiate itself through unique content, better user experience, and a strong focus on localization is more likely to succeed.

Africa Rollout

Prioritizing country rollout in Africa based on disposable income and potential is a complex task that involves considering several factors beyond just disposable income. Here are some countries that could be considered based on their disposable income levels and potential:

  1. Nigeria has the largest population in Africa and a relatively high level of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 2.8% per year between 2020 and 2025, making it an attractive market for a regional digital video platform.
  2. Egypt is another large market with a relatively high level of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 4.4% per year between 2020 and 2025. Egypt also has a large and growing young population that is increasingly internet-savvy.
  3. South Africa has a relatively high level of disposable income and is home to a large and relatively well-educated middle class. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 2.2% per year between 2020 and 2025.
  4. Kenya is a fast-growing market with a relatively high level of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 6.0% per year between 2020 and 2025, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa.
  5. Morocco has a relatively high level of disposable income and a growing middle class. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 3.9% per year between 2020 and 2025.


Asia is home to the world’s largest and fastest-growing digital market, with over 2.5 billion internet users and a rapidly expanding middle class. This presents a huge opportunity for a regional video platform to capture a significant share of this growing market.

  1. Diverse cultures and languages: Asia is a highly diverse region, with a wide range of cultures, languages, and customs. A regional video platform can leverage this diversity to offer content that is tailored to the unique needs and interests of local audiences, which is crucial for success in a highly competitive and crowded digital market.
  2. Mobile-first audience: Asia is a mobile-first market, with mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of online video consumption. A regional platform can optimize its user experience and content strategy for mobile devices, making it easier for users to access and consume content on-the-go.
  3. Localization: Localizing the platform and content is essential for success in the Asia market. This includes not just translating content into local languages, but also adapting it to suit local cultural norms and preferences which vary greatly. A regional platform that offers localized content is more likely to attract and retain users, as it provides a more relatable and engaging experience.
  4. Monetization opportunities: Asia offers a range of monetization opportunities for a regional video platform, including advertising, subscriptions, and e-commerce. The size and growth of the digital advertising market in Asia is significant, providing a strong revenue stream for the platform. Additionally, with the rise of e-commerce in the region, there are opportunities for a video platform to integrate shopping features and drive additional revenue.
  5. Competitive landscape: The Asia market is highly competitive, with a number of global and local players vying for market share. Additionally, in Asia many countries are sensitive to maintaining their sovereignty and often mistrust global monopoly players. A semi-autonomous regional video platform with region-side storage can differentiate itself from other global players. However most important of all, through unique content, better user experience, and a strong focus on localization remains the Pockit Global mantra.

Asia can be divided into two major categories in terms of approach, namely “Asia Size Matters” and “Boutique Asia” which require different strategic treatments and rollout plans.

“Asia Size Matters” Rollout

Prioritizing country rollout in Asia based on disposable income and potential is a complex task that involves considering several factors beyond just disposable income. Here are some countries that could be considered based on their disposable income levels and potential:

  1. China has the largest population in the world and a rapidly growing middle class with increasing levels of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 5.7% per year between 2020 and 2025, making it an attractive market for a regional digital video platform.
  2. India is another large market with a rapidly growing middle class and increasing levels of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 7.5% per year between 2020 and 2025.
  3. Indonesia has a large and growing population with increasing levels of disposable income. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 5.6% per year between 2020 and 2025.
  4. Japan has a high level of disposable income and is home to a wealthy and aging population with a strong appetite for digital content. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 1.5% per year between 2020 and 2025.
  5. South Korea has a relatively high level of disposable income and is home to a tech-savvy population with a strong appetite for digital content. Its GDP is projected to grow by an average of 2.8% per year between 2020 and 2025.

“Boutique Asia” Rollout

It’s important to note that prioritizing country rollout based on Western culture in Asia can be a challenge, as Western culture is not the dominant culture in this region. However, there are some countries in Asia that have been heavily influenced by Western culture and may therefore be more receptive to a digital video platform that caters to this audience. Here are some countries in Asia that could be considered:

  1. Singapore is a multicultural country that has been heavily influenced by Western culture, with English being one of its official languages. Its population is highly educated and affluent, with a high level of disposable income.
  2. The Philippines has a long history of American influence and has a large English-speaking population. Its population is also young and increasingly tech-savvy, making it an attractive market for a digital video platform.
  3. Malaysia is another multicultural country with a significant Western influence, particularly in its urban areas. Its population is also young and tech-savvy, with a high level of internet and mobile penetration.
  4. Hong Kong: Hong Kong is a former British colony that has been heavily influenced by Western culture. Its population is highly educated and affluent, with a high level of disposable income. However, it’s worth noting that Hong Kong is a small market and may not have the same growth potential as larger markets like China or India.


Oceana is a geographically dispersed region made up of numerous islands and countries. The region has a diverse culture and language, which creates an opportunity for a regional video platform to offer content that caters specifically to the needs and interests of local audiences. With an estimated 30 million internet users, the potential for a regional video platform in Oceana is significant.

  1. Mobile-first audience: Like Africa and Asia, Oceana is also a mobile-first market, with mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of online video consumption. A regional platform can optimize its user experience and content strategy for mobile devices, making it easier for users to access and consume content on-the-go.
  2. Localization: Localizing the platform and content is essential for success in the Oceana market. This includes not just translating content into local languages but also adapting it to suit local cultural norms and preferences, as it provides a more relatable and engaging experience.
  3. Monetization opportunities: Oceana offers a range of monetization opportunities for a regional video platform, including advertising, subscriptions, and e-commerce. The digital advertising market in Oceana is still in its early stages, but there is significant potential for growth in the future.
  4. Competitive landscape: The competition in the Oceana region is relatively low, with a few global players and local providers in the market. A regional video platform that can differentiate itself through unique content, better user experience, and a strong focus on localization is more likely to succeed.

Oceana Rollout

  1. Australia has a high level of internet penetration, with an estimated 22 million internet users. The country also has a well-established digital market, which presents a significant opportunity for a regional video platform to capture a share of the market.
  2. New Zealand has a relatively small population of internet users, but a high level of internet penetration. The country also has a growing digital market, which makes it an attractive market for a regional video platform.
  3. Fiji is a small island nation with a growing digital market. The country has a relatively low level of internet penetration but has significant potential for growth in the future.
  4. Papua New Guinea has a relatively low level of internet penetration, but its population of over 9 million presents a significant opportunity for a regional video platform.
  5. Samoa is another small island nation with a growing digital market. The country has a relatively small population of internet users, but a high level of internet penetration, which makes it an attractive market for a regional video platform.

In conclusion, the hybrid nature of this region provides us the opportunity to marry our Africa and Asian strategies with that of the West, which should enable us to leverage the unique advantages of each of these regions and create a truly competitive and differentiated business model. By tapping into the rich cultural and economic diversity of the region, we can develop products and services that cater to the unique needs and preferences of customers from different backgrounds. Moreover, by combining the best practices and expertise from these different regions, we can create innovative solutions that can help us stay ahead of the curve and drive growth in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

Europe Rollout

Competing with American platforms in Europe is a challenging task, as the American platforms are already well-established and have a strong presence in the region. However, there are some European countries that have the potential to support a regional digital video platform and compete with American platforms. Here are some countries in Europe that could be considered based on their potential to compete:

“Baptism by Fire” Approach

  1. The United Kingdom is the largest English-speaking market in Europe and has a highly developed media industry. Its population is also highly educated and affluent, with a high level of disposable income. However, the market is already saturated with American platforms, making it a highly competitive environment.
  2. Germany has the largest population in Europe and a highly developed media industry. Its population is also highly educated and affluent, with a high level of disposable income. However, the market is dominated by established German platforms, making it a challenging market to enter.
  3. France has a large and culturally influential population with a strong preference for local content. Its media industry is highly regulated, which can make it difficult for foreign platforms to enter the market. However, the market has significant growth potential and a large population with a high level of disposable income.
  4. Spain has a large population with a high level of internet and mobile penetration. Its media industry is less developed than other countries in Europe, which could present an opportunity for a regional digital video platform. However, the market is already dominated by American platforms, making it a highly competitive environment.

“The Niche” Approach

There are many opportunities for niche content in Europe, as each country has its own unique culture, language, and preferences. Here are some examples of niche content opportunities by country in Europe:

  1. The UK has a large and diverse population, with a strong appetite for niche content. Some potential niches to explore include regional content, such as content focused on specific cities or regions within the country, as well as niche genres like period dramas, crime dramas, and documentaries.
  2. Germany has a rich cultural heritage and a strong tradition of music, art, and literature. Potential niche content opportunities include classical music performances, theater productions, and art documentaries, as well as content focused on German history, culture, and cuisine.
  3. France is known for its rich cultural heritage, including art, literature, and fashion. Potential niche content opportunities include fashion documentaries, art house cinema, and travel content focused on lesser-known regions of the country.
  4. Italy has a rich culinary tradition, as well as a strong focus on fashion, design, and architecture. Potential niche content opportunities include food and cooking shows, home and garden content, and design-focused documentaries.
  5. Spain has a rich history and culture, with a focus on art, architecture, and food. Potential niche content opportunities include art documentaries, travel content focused on lesser-known regions of the country, and food and cooking shows.

Scandinavia is part of Europe, however, requires separate treatment.

Scandinavia is a region that includes Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and is known for its high standard of living, advanced economies, and progressive social policies. Here are some potential opportunities for a digital video platform in Scandinavia:

  1. Nordic Noir: Nordic Noir is a genre of crime fiction that originated in Scandinavia and has gained popularity around the world. There is a strong appetite for this genre in Scandinavia, and producing original content in this genre could be a successful strategy for a digital video platform.
  2. Music: Music is a big part of Scandinavian culture, and there is a strong tradition of producing high-quality music. Producing and promoting original music content, such as live performances, music documentaries, and music videos, could be a successful strategy for a digital video platform in Scandinavia.
  3. Lifestyle and design: Scandinavia is known for its clean and minimalist design aesthetic, as well as its focus on sustainability and environmentalism. Producing and promoting content focused on lifestyle, design, and sustainability could be a successful strategy for a digital video platform in Scandinavia.
  4. Travel: Scandinavia is a popular destination for tourists, and producing content focused on travel and tourism in the region could be a successful strategy for a digital video platform. This could include travel guides, food and culture content, and adventure and outdoor content.
  5. Children’s content: Scandinavia has a strong focus on education and children’s development, and producing and promoting children’s content, such as educational videos, children’s shows, and animated content, could be a successful strategy for a digital video platform in the region.

South America

South America faces many of the same challenges as those encountered in Africa and Asia, and the experience gained from operating in these regions can be highly beneficial. However, a key uncertainty remains regarding the extent of the USA’s influence on consumer behavior and perception in the digital space. This aspect must be taken into account when developing strategies for success in the region and requires a different timeline than what is typical for other regions listed above.

North America

The dominance of the USA in the digital space and North America region will require a value proposition consisting of the learnings gain through successes in other regions coupled with the necessary investment. Additionally, we may need to adopt a long-term approach to expanding our operations in the region, as building trust and establishing a foothold can take time.